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bandera XVI Open Internacional de Andalucía Senior Junior Master

Master password:
Start date: 14-12-2024
End date: 14-12-2024
Registration end date: 10-12-2024
Country: Spain
City: Cordoba
Currency: Euro (Europe)
Telephone: 000000
Categories: Junior / Senior / Veterans_A / Veterans_B / Veterans_C /
Prices: Junior: 50.00€Senior: 50.00€Veterans_A: 50.00€Veterans_B: 50.00€Veterans_C: 50.00€
Account number: ES61 2100 7370 0722 0019 4655 LA CAIXA
Max. competitors: 257 / unlimited
Extra Info:
WT License/ID
To download the credential insert your WT License or your ID here.